
Was everything better when you didn’t know anything or now?

I miss the innocence of life, when I could walk down the street by myself and not have to worry about being snatched up cause I was protected by the community, what happened? I remember when we could get dropped off at the mall for a few hours now malls have curfews and are the prime spots for sex traffic….is that what’s really happening?

Remember having to record ringtones from the radio or having to pick your favorite cds to go in your CD holder before you left the crib? Now everything is spoonfed with the expectation to retain and not spill..almost like trying to feed a baby red food with a white bib

I remember having to sneak with the tv on mute and nick on “prev channel” to peep HBO at night listening to see if dukes could hear or forgetting to clear the search history was a different type of fear.

Now there are a million different platforms to see penetration for free half of the stuff I ain’t see till I was 13 now kids seeing it at 3

What’s even worst? Realizing that everything you were taught was a stretch of the truth, how white washed society is but innocent you had no clue. Technology was growing as we were growing so half the time we believed everything we read in those books were true, why should we ever trust this world if they’ll lie to the youth?

Was everything better when you didn’t know anything or now?

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