Faulty Artistry

Ever been in a position where you’re giving your all and the other is harvesting bad energy? But you still kept going…hurt people hurt people and I always put myself in direct contact with hurt people…which leaves me hurt in the end, never again , Trying to understand their hurt as they hurt you but making yourself believe that their feelings matters more at that moment…

Faulty, I use that because there should never be a time where you’re “ranking” feelings, but a time where feelings should all be on the table, same level same page same chapter. You don’t feel less of yourself before or after…..

Too often when there are misunderstandings disrespect is right behind it…why must we tear down those we don’t agree with just because a difference of opinions? Everybody doesn’t move like you, everybody doesn’t think like you, and nobody feels the way you do so how the hell you get upset because I disagree and got a different trend of thinking than you fool? I’m not a sheep I think for me and move how I want and when I want cause I’m me, I can careless if there’s a line behind me but I can tell you this key…this my path so you won’t see me following a line either instead the footsteps you see down this path will belong to me and you’ll study my path as artistry because I veered off from the group and made my own way like an artist..see

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